AMAZING LACE: Tom Lace is the first Sheen Colt to play first class cricket.

NICKED: Former England Opener Nick Compton with Sheen's Gubby Allen finalists at Lord's.
COUNTY CUP WINNERS: The U12 class of 20015.
Scorchers Membership 2025
If you are not a current member but are keen on joining the club, please send an email (to tonybraldo@gmail.com) with the following details:
Parents name(s)
Child’s name(s)
Place of birth
Allergies, etc. (if applicable)
Once these have been received you will be added to the members mailing list and receive regular updates.
All players need to be registered by the end of April as we are in full swing with matches by early May.
The membership fee for the season will be £140 for U6-9 boys and U9-12 girls to cover ten ninety minute sessions through the summer and all age group matches arranged.
From U10 to U15, including girls who play in boys teams, the membership fee will be £165.
Sibling’s enjoy a 20% discount on their membership fees. U6-9 - £28.00; U10-15 £33.00.
There is no junior membership payment – simply a match fee – for all players U16 and above.
It is anticipated each child will have the opportunity to play in a minimum of six matches through the season. (Last summer, one or two boys played 25 games.)
New members must purchase and wear the Scorchers shirt and cap. These will be available at Saturday morning training, before the official start to the season.
Summer training times 2025
There is to be a review of the training programme which serves it's purpose for those who have already been exposed to the game, which represents approximately 80% of the club.
We are looking at separating out the match players from the newcomers in order to focus the structure of our training to suit the participants.
For players who have already been exposed to matchplay, the priority will be to run hard ball net sessions and fielding drills.
For newcomers it will be to introduce them to the game and to work on the basic skills that will make them match-ready for our U9 softball teams.
Currently training is scheduled to take place every Saturday for 10 weeks with a one-week break at half-term for all junior members.
It is staggered with training objectives and times listed below, per age group.
U6-9 – 9.30am-11am
Pod sessions of up to twelve players per group. No hard-ball kit needed. Training will take the form of a variety of fun and challenging drills and even matches on the outfield.
U11 Girls – 9.30am-11am
Pod sessions of up to twelve players per group. No hard-ball kit needed. Training will take the form of a variety of fun and challenging drills and even matches on the outfield. (These sessions are for those players not already selected for a match. County players will play in boys groups.)
U10-11 – 9.30am-11.00am
Nets: All players are expected to have hard-ball kit including a box, pads, gloves, helmet and thigh pad. It is anticipated that we will have four lanes in operation which allows for all players to have a bat and a bowl.
U12-17 – 11am-12.30pm
Nets: All players are expected to have hard-ball kit including a box, pads, gloves, helmet and thigh pad.